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header Imana Borena, Inc image

Fundraise Up Services Partner | DEI Specialist

-Set up small and medium nonprofit with Fundraise Up 
-Develop a fundraising strategy 
-Nonprofit Strategic Planning 
-Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Training and Strategy Development 

Visit our Website


Imana Borena, Inc is a Certified Fundraise Up Partner! We assist small and medium-sized nonprofits set up their Fundraise Up accounts with ease. It is our goal to create an experience that mirrors your donor experience! Your donors will engage in your website through Fundraise Up's easy integration and AI amenities. It is our hope to elevate your experience through our partnership and knowledge of the platform. 

In addition to our partnership, we offer fundraising strategy development, strategic planning, and comprehensive training to organizations seeking transformational learning related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

We look forward to assisting your organization in its growth and donor multiplication! 

Reach out to us today! 


Set up small nonprofit with Fundraise Up

We will meet with you (in-person or virtually) to set up your Fundraise Up platform. We will walk you through the step-by-step process, answer questions, and provide you with our first-time experience.

First-time Experience includes a step-by-step process meeting with your development team (or fundraising personnel). We will guide you through the platform while customizing the platform to your specific organizational needs. The First-time Experience can take up to 90 minutes! 

Most organizations choose us for this experience. It provides you with a foundational understanding of how the platform works, where key elements are located, and how your organization can use them to drive donations. 

Fundraise Up Training

We will provide your organization with an in-depth training which includes: 

-Step-by-Step use of the platform
-Customizable amenities (donate buttons, campaigns, etc..) 
-Thank You Letters 
-End of Year Appeals 
-Data Retrieval
-Donor Behavior Analysis 
-And more!  

Fundraising Strategy Development

We will provide your organization with our customizable strategy development templates and training. Through our process, your organization will have an executable strategy to drive donations, leverage the integrated AI for donor analysis, build campaigns, and more!Â