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Marketer on a Mission

Helping nonprofits grow their fans and funds online.

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Caroline Griffin, the Marketer on a Mission, lends her full-stack digital expertise to nonprofits ranging in size and cause area. Caroline helps organizations grow their fans and funds online by auditing their current programs, identifying opportunities, and using campaigns and digital advertising as growth tools. Caroline loves installing and working with Fundraise Up and has seen the platform grow her clients' online giving exponentially! 


Digital Growth Blueprint

Let's assess your current digital presence—including your online donor journey—and identify opportunities for improvement. 

Campaign Strategy & Implementation Support

Let's develop a campaign for your organization that supports a clear goal—such as raising awareness, generating leads, or raising funds online—then roll up our sleeves to successfully execute together. 

Digital Advertising

Caroline will design and run a social media and display advertising program for your organization that incorporates A/B testing and unlocks winning strategies to support your growth goals.

Messaging Platform

Does your organization need help clarifying how you talk about your work so it resonates with new fans and prospective donors? This exercise is foundational for a nonprofit's growth and may include user research. 

Fundraise Up Installation

Seeking a partner to walk you through the Fundraise Up setup process? Caroline will guide you through each step, lead copywriting for two primary campaigns and all automated emails within the platform, and advise on design for all graphic elements to create an experience that's compelling to donors and cohesive with your organization's digital presence.Â